国際会議等 (2012)
International conferences / workshops (2012)
ASRC International Workshop " Perspectives in Nuclear Fission"
March 14-16, 2012, JAEA, Tokai, Japan
Nuclear Ground-State Properties of the Lightest Nuclei: Status and Perspectives
March 19-21, 2012, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany
The 7th International Workshop on Direct Reactions with Exotic
Beams (DREB2012)
March 26-29, 2012, Pisa, Italy
Effective Field Theories, Halos, Drip Lines and EoS for Compact Stars
April 9-18, 2012,
Detailed decay spectroscopy at ISOL@MYRRHA
April 23-25, 2012, Mol, Belgium
The 6th meeting of OMEG Institute
April 25, 2012, Wako, Japan
The ENSAR-ECOS Workshop on Future Super-Heavy Element Strategy (FUSHE 2012)
May 13-16, 2012, Weilrod, Germany
Beauty in Physics: Theory and Experiment
May 14-18, 2012, Cocoyoc, Mexico
European Radioactive Ion Beam Conference 2012 (EURORIB 2012)
May 20-25, 2012, Padova, Italy.
The 11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
May 28-June 1, 2012, San Antonio, TX, USA
11th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics
(CIPANP 2012)
May 29-June 3, 2012, St. Petersburg, FL, USA
13th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms
June 11-15, 2012, Varenna, Italy
Advances and challenges in nuclear physics with high intensity stable
beams (ECOS 2012)
June 18-21, 2012, Villa Vigoni, Italy
New Frontiers in Nuclear Astrophysics
June 18-22, 2012,Tuscany , Italy
RIBF Users Meeting 2012
June 20-21, 2012, Wako, Japan
EGAN 2012 Workshop
June 25-27, 2012, Orsay, France
Prague Advanced Studies Institute, SYMMETRIES AND SPIN (SPIN-Praha-2012)
July 1-8, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic
International Conference Nuclear Structure and Related Topics (NSRR12)
July 2-7, 2012, Dubna, Russia
Nuclear Structure and Dynamics II
July 9-13, 2012, Opatija, Croatia
The 2012 National Nuclear Physics Summer School (NNPSS)
July 9-20, 2012, Santa Fe, NM, USA
XII International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos
July 30-August 3, 2012,Cairns, Australia
XII International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos
August 5-10, 2012, Cairns, Australia
Nuclear Structure 2012 (NS12)
August 13-17, 2012, Argonne, IL, USA
The 20th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (FB20)
August 20-25, 2012, Fukuoka, Japan
The 11th CNS International Summer School (CNSSS12)
August 29-September 4, 2012, Wako & Tokyo, Japan
VIII Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Astrophysicsh"
September 2-7, 2012, Lenzkirch-Saig, Germany
The 6th International Workshop on Semiconductor Pixel
Detectors for Particles and Imaging (PIXEL2012)
September 3-7, 2012, Inawashiro, Japan
3rd International Workshop on Nuclear Symmetry Energy and Reaction Mechanisms (ASY-EOS 2012)
September 4-7, 2012, Sicily, Italy
International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics
September 9-13, 2012, La Rabida, Spain
Euroschool on Exotic Beams 2012
September 9-15, 2012, Athens, Greece
SAMURAI International workshop 2012
September 10, 2012, Kyoto, Japan
The 4th Joint Meeting of the 16th International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions and the 20th international Symposium on Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions (HFI/NQI 2012)
September 10-14, 2012, Beijing, China
32nd Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics
September 11-18, 2012, Piaski, Poland
International School of Nuclear Physics
September 16-24, 2012, Erice-Sicily,Italy
2nd European Nuclear Physics Conference (EuNPC2012)
September 17-21, 2012, Bucharest, Romania
The 20th International Symposium on Spin Physics (SPIN2012)
September 17-22, 2012, Dubna, Russia
10th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics (CLUSTER12)
September 24-28, 2012, Debrecen, Hungary
The Sixth International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON-2012)
October 1-6, 2012, Vladivostok, Russia
Frontiers 2012 Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics
October 7-8, 2012, East Lansing, MI, USA
Nuclear Astrophysics Town Meeting
October 9-10, 2012, East Lansing, MI, USA
Exotic Nuclear Structure From Nucleons (ENSFN 2012)
October 10-12, 2012, Tokyo, Japan
Conference on Computational Physics (CCP2012)
for Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Engineering and Related Academic Fields, and Industrial Applications
October 14-18, 2012, Kobe, Japan
EURISOL Town Meeting and Topical Meeting 2012
October 15-19, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal
The 8th China-Japan Joint Nuclear Physics Symposium (CJJNPS2012)
October 15-19, 2012, Beijing, China
The 4th international conference on "Collective Motion in Nuclei under Extreme Conditions" (COMEX4)
October 22-26, 2012, Hayama, Japan
October 29-30, 2012, Geneva, Switzerland
The 2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS)
October 29-November 3, 2012, Anaheim, CA, USA
October 31-November 2, 2012, Oak Ridge, USA
The Third International Symposium on Frontiers in Nuclear Physics
November 1-3, 2012, Beijing, China
The 5th International Conference on Fission and Properties of Neutron-rich Nuclei (ICFN5)
November 4-10 , 2012, Sanibel Island, FL, USA
International Conference on Recent Trends in Nuclear Physics 2012 (ICRTNP-2012)
November 19-21, 2012, Solan, India
Fundamental interactions with atom & ion traps
December 2-6, 2012, Rehovot, Israel
XVI International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Techniques Related to their Applications (EMIS2012)
December 2-7, 2012, Matsue, Japan
DAE Symposia on Nuclear Physics
December 3-7, 2012, New Delhi, India
RCNP International Workshop on
Physics Opportunities using Compton Suppressed Ge Clover Array (Clover12)
December 7-8, 2012, Osaka, Japan
The International Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics in Heavy-Ion Reactions (IWND12)
December 16-19, 2012, Shenzhen, China
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting
December 17-19, 2012, Geneva, Switzerland