(*) The program for the estimation of target-thickness is mainly for ML(Material & Life)-users.

  1. Estimation of target thickness (RIPS-standard) for highest beam-intensity :

    This program estimates thickness of the RIPS-standard Be target and the rotational graphite target, which will provide the highest intensity of secondary beam. A heat generation at the Be target will be estimated.

  2. Input the following parameters:

    Primary beam mass number (A):
    Primary beam Z (Z):
    Secondary beam mass number (A):
    Secondary beam Z (Z):
    Primary beam energy [A MeV]:
    Primary beam intensity [pnA]:

  3. Determination of primary-beam's stopping position

    Stopping position at RIPS for primary beam should be one of following three places:

    (A 4-dimension slit at F0 will be also used when you use a beam swinger.) This program calculates a difference of B&rho between primary and secondary beam after passing through the production target, and determines the stopping position among (a), (b) and (c). A heat generation and a cooling power at the beam dump are estimated in the case of (a).

  4. Input the following parameters:

    Primary beam mass number (A):
    Primary beam Z (Z):
    Secondary beam mass number (A):
    Secondary beam Z (Z):
    Primary beam energy [A MeV]:
    Primary beam intensity [pnA]:
    Target material mass number (A):
    Target material Z (Z):
    Target thickness [mg/cm^2]: