The allocated time in parenthesis includes 5 minutes for discussion.
Updated on Tue Jul 27 21:58:25 2010, JST.
July 26th, Monday |
registration (8:30-9:15) |
Session I (9:30-12:05) |
Chair: B. Li (Texas A&M University-Commerce) |
H. En'yo RIKEN Nishina Center | opening address (5) |
A. Ono Tohoku University | What do we want to accomplish in the symposium? (5) |
G. Verde INFN, Sezione di Catania | Probing the symmetry energy in heavy-ion collisions (40) |
Y. Leifels GSI, Darmstadt | Systematic Studies of Heavy Ion Collisions in the 1 AGeV Regime - Recent Results from FOPI (25) |
tea break (10:45-11:15) |
Z. Chajecki MSU | Two-particle correlations in heavy ion collisions and their sensitivity to the symmetry energy (25) |
S. Yennello Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute | Investigation of the Symmetry Energy from Measurements of Transverse Collective Flow (25) |
lunch (12:05-13:30) |
Session II (13:30-16:30) |
Chair: R. Lemmon (Daresbury Laboratory) |
M. Sako Kyoto Univ. , RIKEN | Energy Dependence of $\pi^-$/$\pi^+$ Ratio in In+$^{28}$Si Reaction (25) |
M. Famiano Western Michigan University | Neutron-Proton Ratio Measurements as Sensitive Observables of the Asymmetry Term of the Nuclear EOS (25) |
W. Trautmann GSI Darmstadt | Isospin dependent multifragmentation of relativistic projectiles (25) |
tea break (14:45-15:15) |
V. Baran University of Bucharest | Symmetry energy from nuclear reactions dynamics (25) |
G. Lehaut IPN Lyon | A study of nuclear stopping in central collisions at intermediate energies (25) |
Y. Zhang CIAE | Extracting symmetry energy information with transport models (25) |
BBQ party (17:20-, in front of RIBF Building) |
July 27th, Tuesday |
Session III (9:00-12:15) |
Chair: H. Sagawa (University of Aizu) |
M. Matsuo Niigata University | Probing low-density pairing properties via neutron-rich nuclei (40) |
G. Colò University of Milano | Nuclear symmetry energy from microscopic calculations of the dipole response in finite nuclei (25) |
J. Lee RIKEN | Symmetry Energy in Nuclei (25) |
tea break (10:30-11:00) |
M. Itoh Tohoku University | The asymmetry term in the nuclear-matter incompressibility deduced from the isoscalar giant monopole resonance in the Sn and Cd isotopes (25) |
K. Yako Univ. of Tokyo | Charge exchange spin dipole sum rule and the neutron skin thickness (25) |
D. Rossi GSI Darmstadt | Dipole Response of Exotic Nuclei and Symmetry Energy - Experiments at the LAND-R3B Setup (25) |
lunch (12:15-) |
Poster Session I (-14:30) |
Session IV (14:30-17:55) |
Chair: T. Nakatsukasa (RIKEN Nishina Center) |
F. Gulminelli LPC Caen | Thermodynamics of the crust-core transition in (proto)neutron stars (25) |
S. Typel TU München/GSI Darmstadt | Clusters in Nuclear Matter (25) |
T. Furuta LPC Caen | Molecular dynamics studies from heavy-ion collisions to neutron stars (25) |
tea break (15:45-16:15) |
D. Khoa INST Hanoi | Neutron-proton asymmetry in nuclear matter and fnite nuclei (25) |
T. Takatsuka Iwate University | Symmetry energy effects on superfluidity of neutron stars (25) |
H. Schulze INFN Catania | Nuclear symmetry energy in the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach (25) |
W. Tian Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics | Investigation of the symmetry energy in EOS by isoscaling in heavy ion reactions (25) |
conference dinner (18:30-, Hirosawa Club) |
July 28th, Wednesday |
Session V (9:00-12:15) |
Chair: T. Murakami (Kyoto University) |
A. Steiner JINA/NSCL, MSU | The Equation of State of Dense Matter: Connecting Nuclear Experiment and Astrophysical Observations (40) |
S. Nishizaki Iwate University | Nuclear Symmetry Energy and its Effect on Neutron Stars (25) |
K. Oyamatsu Aichi Shukutoku U. | Symmetry energy at subnuclear densities and macroscopic properties of neutron-rich nuclei (25) |
tea break (10:30-11:00) |
I. Sagert Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe University | Nuclear equations of state in explosive astrophysical systems (25) |
U. Lombardo INFN-LNS | Nuclear EoS and transport properties in Neutron Stars (25) |
H. Sakurai RIKEN Nishina Center | facility talk (25) |
lunch (12:15-) |
Poster Session II (-14:00) |
Session VI (14:00-17:00) |
Chair: W. Lynch (Michigan State University) |
N. Van Giai IPN Orsay | Nuclear symmetry energy and neutron star cooling (25) |
J. Margueron IPN Orsay | Thermalization time and specific heat of neutron stars crust (25) |
J. Stone University of Oxford/University of Tennessee | Skyrme energy functional and neutron star matter (25) |
tea break (15:15-15:45) |
H. Lee Hanyang University | Nuclear symmetry energy in compact star matter (25) |
B. Li Texas A&M University-Commerce | Probing the nuclear symmetry energy at supra-saturation densities (25) |
U. Garg University of Notre Dame | final remarks (25) |
RIBF tour (17:00-18:30) |