International Symposium on
Nuclear Symmetry Energy
RIKEN, Wako, Japan
July 26-28, 2010
Presentation Files
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Presentation Files
Updated on Fri Sep 24 07:04:52 2010, JST.
July 26th, Monday
Session I
Chair: B. Li (Texas A&M University-Commerce)
H. En'yo
RIKEN Nishina Center
opening address
A. Ono
Tohoku University
What do we want to accomplish in the symposium?
G. Verde
INFN, Sezione di Catania
Probing the symmetry energy in heavy-ion collisions
Y. Leifels
GSI, Darmstadt
Recent results from FOPI - Isospin signals at SIS energies
tea break
Z. Chajecki
Two-particle correlations in heavy ion collisions and their sensitivity to the symmetry energy
S. Yennello
Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute
Investigation of the Symmetry Energy from Measurements of Transverse Collective Flow
Session II
Chair: R. Lemmon (Daresbury Laboratory)
M. Sako
Kyoto Univ. , RIKEN
Energy Dependence of $\pi^-$/$\pi^+$ Ratio in In+$^{28}$Si Reaction
M. Famiano
Western Michigan University
Neutron-Proton Ratio Measurements as Sensitive Observables of the Asymmetry Term of the Nuclear EOS
W. Trautmann
GSI Darmstadt
Isospin dependent multifragmentation of relativistic projectiles
tea break
V. Baran
University of Bucharest
Symmetry energy from nuclear reactions dynamics
G. Lehaut
IPN Lyon
A study of nuclear stopping in central collisions at intermediate energies
Y. Zhang
Extracting symmetry energy information with transport models
BBQ party
July 27th, Tuesday
Session III
Chair: H. Sagawa (University of Aizu)
M. Matsuo
Niigata University
Probing low-density pairing properties via neutron-rich nuclei
G. Colò
University of Milano
Nuclear symmetry energy from microscopic calculations of the dipole response in finite nuclei
J. Lee
Symmetry Energy in Nuclei
tea break
M. Itoh
Tohoku University
The asymmetry term in the nuclear-matter incompressibility deduced from the isoscalar giant monopole resonance in the Sn and Cd isotopes
K. Yako
Univ. of Tokyo
Charge exchange spin dipole sum rule and the neutron skin thickness
D. Rossi
GSI Darmstadt
Dipole Response of Exotic Nuclei and Symmetry Energy - Experiments at the LAND-R3B Setup
Poster Session
Session IV
Chair: T. Nakatsukasa (RIKEN Nishina Center)
F. Gulminelli
LPC Caen
Thermodynamics of the crust-core transition in (proto)neutron stars
S. Typel
TU München/GSI Darmstadt
Clusters in Nuclear Matter
T. Furuta
LPC Caen
Molecular dynamics studies from heavy-ion collisions to neutron stars
tea break
D. Khoa
INST Hanoi
Neutron-proton asymmetry in nuclear matter and fnite nuclei
T. Takatsuka
Iwate University
Symmetry energy effects on superfluidity of neutron stars
H. Schulze
INFN Catania
Nuclear symmetry energy in the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach
W. Tian
Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics
Investigation of the symmetry energy in EOS by isoscaling in heavy ion reactions
conference dinner
July 28th, Wednesday
Session V
Chair: T. Murakami (Kyoto University)
A. Steiner
Using Neutron Star Observations to Constrain the Nuclear Symmetry Energy and the Equation of State
S. Nishizaki
Iwate University
Nuclear Symmetry Energy and its Effect on Neutron Stars
K. Oyamatsu
Aichi Shukutoku U.
Symmetry energy at subnuclear densities and macroscopic properties of neutron-rich nuclei
tea break
I. Sagert
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe University
Nuclear equations of state in explosive astrophysical systems
U. Lombardo
EoS of Nuclear Matter and Transport Parameters in Neutron Stars
H. Sakurai
RIKEN Nishina Center
facility talk
Poster Session
Session VI
Chair: W. Lynch (Michigan State University)
N. Van Giai
IPN Orsay
Nuclear symmetry energy and neutron star cooling
J. Margueron
IPN Orsay
Neutron specific heat and thermalisation time of neutron stars crust
J. Stone
University of Oxford/University of Tennessee
Skyrme's energy functional and neutron star matter
tea break
H. Lee
Hanyang University
Nuclear symmetry energy in compact star matter
B. Li
Texas A&M University-Commerce
Probing the nuclear symmetry energy at supra-saturation densities
U. Garg
University of Notre Dame
Concluding Remarks
RIBF tour
Poster Presentations
D. Coupland
The influence of transport variables on isospin transport ratios
V. Devi
NIT Jalandhar
The systematic dependence of $E(2_1^+ )$ and energy ratio $R_{4/2}(= E(4_1^+ )/E(2_1^+ ))$ on N, $N_pN_n$, $N_B$ and p-factor for A=120-200 mass region nuclei
M. Kilburn
Proton-Proton Correlation Functions as a Probe to the Density Dependence of the Symmetry Energy
A. Mcintosh
Texas A&M University
Ternary Decay of Projectile-Like Fragments
H. Mittal
National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Low spin identical bands in adjacent even-even nuclei of A=120-200 region
K. Hasnaoui
Tohoku University
Monopole oscillations in light nuclei with a molecular dynamics approach
Y. Sasamoto
CNS, University of Tokyo
The super-allowed Fermi type charge exchange reaction for studies of isovector non-spin-flip monopole resonance
S. Shougaijam
University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Dilepton production at finite temperature quark-gluon plasma
T. Nguyen
Scientific committee of Physics Institute Hochiminh city
Studying Neutron Angular Distribution from 0.5 GeV to 1.5 GeV Proton Induced Reaction on Heavy Targets 238U, 206Pb, 197Au, 186W
M. Youngs
Density Dependence of the Symmetry Energy Using Emitted Protons and Neutrons
M. Zhang
Tsinghua University
Recent Results on pi-/pi+ Ratio for Constraining the High Density Behavior of Nuclear Symmetry Energy
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